"You deserve to live in a body you love

And I want to help you build it"


Angie - (Founder of the LEAN GIRL BRAND)

Let's work out your magic numbers for fat-loss so you can start getting lean! 


Hey girl! So glad you're here!


This calorie calculator will help you estimate the number of calories you're burning each day, and then determine your daily calorie target based on your lean bod goals! Remember that this is just an estimate and a good place to start! 

Ages 15-80

Here are your results girl!

Note: It is not advised to decrease your calories below 1200 based on standard health recommendations. 

Should the calculator recommend a calorie amount below 1200, please use 1200 as your recommended daily budget. 

Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or energy intake. 


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The Lean Body Lab is a complete specialised women's fat-loss program designed to tap into the last few stubborn kilos using 'the ultimate fat-loss formula'. The program has been developed combining the latest fat-loss research plus my personal transformation insights, to create a proven, and easy-to-use system that not only helps you to lose fat, but create a lean lifestyle that you love. No more confusion, no more frustration, no more guesswork. Discover how to eat, train and think to get predictably lean to unveil a leaner, smaller and harder body in just 8 weeks! 

"This will be the last program you will ever need. When you understand the basics of fat-loss science, you will never need another meal plan, pill, or fad diet again. You will be empowered with the knowledge PLUS all of the tools to get and stay lean for life"  
- Angie 





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